Future Ecosystems For Africa (FEFA)
FEFA is a flagship program funded by Oppenheimer Generations Research and Conservation to implement projects that are beneficial to the planet, and to the people and biodiversity of Africa.
Miombo Network
We are a network dedicated to providing scientific information and policy guidance for a better future of the miombo forests across their range countries. We conduct research and policy analysis aiming at improving the benefits and human livelihoods from miombo forest ecosystem.
SASSCAL (Southern African Science Service Centre for Adaptive Land Management)
SASSCAL aims to strengthen the regional capacity to generate and use scientific knowledge products and services for decision making on climate change and adaptive land management through research management, human capital development and services brokerage.
ILEAPS (Integrated Land Ecosystem Atmosphere Project)
iLEAPS acts as a communication hub and coordinator of world-wide scientific research in the field of ecosystem-atmosphere exchanges and the impact of those exchanges on key societal issues.
The SocioEcological Observatory for Southern African Woodlands is an activity of the miombo network. It aims to create a regional network of observations on woodland structure, function, and productivity by synthesising data from across the region, and making it easily accessible for regional analyses and modelling efforts. It will also develop a set of standardised methodologies and new collaborations to improve future observations.
Southern African Fire Network
The Southern African Fire Network is a regional network that fosters collaborative efforts in fire monitoring and management in southern Africa.
Fire Model Intercomparison Project
The Fire Model Intercomparison Project (FireMIP), initiated in 2014, is a collaboration between fire modelling groups worldwide. Modelling groups participating in FireMIP will run a set of common experiments to examine fire under present-day and past climate scenarios, and will conduct systematic data-model comparisons and diagnosis of these simulations with the aim of providing an assessment of the reliability of future projections of changes in fire occurrence and characteristics.
Wildfires, Environment and Society
The Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment and Society is a game-changer, radically transforming the scientific and practical understanding of wildfire as an intersection of coupled social, ecological and physical processes, and becoming the go-to-place for wildfire research and expertise worldwide. Our aim is for society in the future to understand, predict and manage wildfire far more effectively than today.
we are imperfect learning each day together and alone how to respond to each other the land the universe.
we have personal journeys material, intangible inexplicably and essentially flawed interconnected and exulted open to beauty relations creative action and the intangible pleasure of sharing.
we hope to find our unique individual meaning for being in this place at this time at all.
we are enriched by being present accepting chance kindness and imagined possibilities.
mostly we learn that we do not know so we offer no truth or path but rejoice in what we are.
it is ok not to know.
FEFA is a flagship program funded by Oppenheimer Generations Research and Conservation to implement projects that are beneficial to the planet, and to the people and biodiversity of Africa.
Miombo Network
We are a network dedicated to providing scientific information and policy guidance for a better future of the miombo forests across their range countries. We conduct research and policy analysis aiming at improving the benefits and human livelihoods from miombo forest ecosystem.
SASSCAL (Southern African Science Service Centre for Adaptive Land Management)
SASSCAL aims to strengthen the regional capacity to generate and use scientific knowledge products and services for decision making on climate change and adaptive land management through research management, human capital development and services brokerage.
ILEAPS (Integrated Land Ecosystem Atmosphere Project)
iLEAPS acts as a communication hub and coordinator of world-wide scientific research in the field of ecosystem-atmosphere exchanges and the impact of those exchanges on key societal issues.
The SocioEcological Observatory for Southern African Woodlands is an activity of the miombo network. It aims to create a regional network of observations on woodland structure, function, and productivity by synthesising data from across the region, and making it easily accessible for regional analyses and modelling efforts. It will also develop a set of standardised methodologies and new collaborations to improve future observations.
Southern African Fire Network
The Southern African Fire Network is a regional network that fosters collaborative efforts in fire monitoring and management in southern Africa.
Fire Model Intercomparison Project
The Fire Model Intercomparison Project (FireMIP), initiated in 2014, is a collaboration between fire modelling groups worldwide. Modelling groups participating in FireMIP will run a set of common experiments to examine fire under present-day and past climate scenarios, and will conduct systematic data-model comparisons and diagnosis of these simulations with the aim of providing an assessment of the reliability of future projections of changes in fire occurrence and characteristics.
Wildfires, Environment and Society
The Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment and Society is a game-changer, radically transforming the scientific and practical understanding of wildfire as an intersection of coupled social, ecological and physical processes, and becoming the go-to-place for wildfire research and expertise worldwide. Our aim is for society in the future to understand, predict and manage wildfire far more effectively than today.
we are imperfect learning each day together and alone how to respond to each other the land the universe.
we have personal journeys material, intangible inexplicably and essentially flawed interconnected and exulted open to beauty relations creative action and the intangible pleasure of sharing.
we hope to find our unique individual meaning for being in this place at this time at all.
we are enriched by being present accepting chance kindness and imagined possibilities.
mostly we learn that we do not know so we offer no truth or path but rejoice in what we are.
it is ok not to know.